Days left in elimination project!

14 February 2012

30 day casein/soy elmination project to feel better without the foods that harm me.

So, here I am - sitting here after making so many changes the last year and I still have health/mind issues that I feel are due to food intolerances.   I am already 100% Gluten Free because of my diagnosed Celiac Disease (have had several endoscopies/biopsies the last 10 years) - so this is quite stable and I cook/bake 100% Gluten Free- and my partner also eats GF in the home as well (eats what he likes when not at home,but at home - no gluten allowed!!!!)

I have tried to be cow's milk free for the last couple years as I had a test a few years back that showed I had an intolerance.  This is quite common for celiacs.  So, I started using soy instead.  I quickly found  out that I could not have soy either.  So, I then went to Goat's or Sheep's products (I LOVE goat's cheese).  I did not immediately recognize any issues.  But over the last few months, I have realized that I have increased the use of these products (especially the cheese) and that my "old" symptoms are coming back.  There are the shoulder pains (I used to have to get cortisone shots in both shoulders in order to move them).  My fingers joints are hurting overnight.  My monthly cycle is "off" and most of all, I just feel like I have no energy at all.

I have already went to the doctor this last week to get my vitamins checked again.  I continually have very low Vitamin D levels and B12 and Iron are usually just above the border.  I will find out next week how these are looking.

I have done a lot of reading and searching of different sites/blogs from different sources (medical, private and education sites/blogs) and am finding out so much more that we celiacs are prone to many intolerances.  I am now wondering if I am not only cow's milk (this was the only milk the test I had tested for) intolerant, but casein intolerant - meaning I would not be able to have any animal milk.  This is what is prompting me to start this 30 day elimination project. I will also make sure that I am not eating anything that has soy in it either, as I have realized it is in many things that I have.  Perhaps it is only the soy that is causing the problems??  I will find out after the 30 days when I start adding items back in one at a time.

My hope is that perhaps it is just certain items.  I am so hoping not to have to give up goat's cheese :)

The Plan!!
The plan is to start on 15 February (tomorrow) and go 30 days without the following ingredients

- Milk from any animals
- Cheese
- Any items that contain milk protein
- Any Gluten Free baked products or manufactured products that may contain milk protein.  (ie crackers, bread etc...)

What I will eat more of
- Vegatables
- Fruits
- Fish
- Beans

Things I need to check out this evening before continuing with them from tomorrow
- daily vitamins (ensure there are no milk protein in these)
- tooth paste - don't laugh, you would be shocked at what gluten and milk protein are in

So, my daily calcium/Vit D tablets have soy in them.  I will discontinue taking these for the next 30 days.  Will need to find a replacement for this since - any ideas?


  1. Have you ever been tested for histamine intolerance?
    Celiac's tend to be histamine intolerant as well.
    avoiding high histamine foods controls the symptoms
    here is a link to investigate further

  2. Do you still use the vitamin D spray?
